CAD – Canadian Dollar
Monetary System
1857: 1 Canadian dollar (CAD) = 100 cents
Currency Issuer
Bank of Canada (BOC)
Bank of Canada
Banque du Canada
The Bank of Canada (BOC) was founded on 3 July 1934 as a privately owned corporation and given the responsibility through an Act of Parliament to regulate the country’s money supply and to “promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada.” Accordingly, it was also given the exclusive right to issue banknotes. On 11 March 1935, the Bank of Canada began operations, and in 1938 it became a Crown corporation belonging to the federal government.
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2018 Issues
On 8 March 2018, International Women’s Day, the Bank of Canada unveiled the design of a new 10-dollar polymer note featuring Viola Desmond, a successful black Nova Scotian businesswoman who challenged racial segregation in 1946. The note is the first regular issue Canadian note to feature an iconic woman, and the first vertically oriented design.With the issuance of this new 10-dollar note, the Bank of Canada’s approach to issuing bank notes is changing. Rather than issuing all five denominations within a short time frame, a new note will be issued every few years, allowing the integration of the latest security features each time a new note is issued. The next 5-dollar note will also feature a new iconic portrait subject and supporting imagery. Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, and first francophone Prime Minister, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, will be honored on higher value banknotes when they are redesigned. These changes mean that former prime ministers William Lyon Mackenzie King and Sir Robert Borden will no longer be portrayed on banknotes. The 20-dollar denomination will continue to feature the reigning monarch.
Description: 10.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm

Purple. Front (vertical): English and French text; map of Halifax north end; Viola Desmond. Back (vertical): English and French text; eagle feather; Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg; excerpt from Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Holographic stripe. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Polymer.
This note was honored as the IBNS Bank Note of the Year 2018.
2017 Commemorative Issues
On 1 June 2017, the Bank of Canada began issuing 40 million new 10-dollar polymer notes commemorating the 150th anniversary of confederation. “This bank note is intended to captivate our imagination and instill pride in what we, as a nation, have accomplished,” said Governor Stephen S. Poloz. “It celebrates the natural beauty and majesty of our land and some of the important parliamentarians who helped shape our great country.”
Description: 10.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm

Purple. Front: English and French text; Assomption sash underprint pattern; SPARK arch found in the Memorial Chamber on Parliament Hill; John Alexander Macdonald, George-Étienne Cartier, Agnes Campbell Macphail, James Gladstone Akay-na-muka; sylized maple leaf. Back: English and French text; Capilano Lake and Lions/Twin Sisters mountains (Western Canada); wheat field outside Regina, Saskatchewan (Prairie provinces); Kipawa River and trees of Canadian Shield in Parc national d’Opémican (Central Canada); rocky coast of Cape Bonavista (Eastern Canada); northern lights above Wood Buffalo national park (Northern Canada). Holographic stripe with coat of arms, flag, Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak’s Owl’s Bouquet. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Polymer.
2015 Commemorative Issues
On 9 September 2015, the Bank of Canada began issuing 40 million new 20-dollar polymer banknotes to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II on becoming the longest-reigning sovereign in Canada’s modern era. The note is like the preceding issues, but the large window contains a range of special design elements, including a portrait of QEII wearing a crown (tiara) for the first time on a Canadian bank note. The portrait is based on a 1951 image by renowned Canadian photographer Yousuf Karsh – the same photograph that inspired the portrait engraving of the Queen, without the crown, for the 1954 Canadian Landscape series of bank notes and the 1967 commemorative note celebrating Confederation. Since her accession to the throne in 1952, an image of Her Majesty has appeared on every series of Canadian bank notes.
Description: 20.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm

Green. Front: English and French text; maple leaf; Queen Elizabeth II wearing dress with pearl necklace. Back: English and French text; poppy flowers; Canadian National Vimy Memorial in Vimy, France; Canadian flag; maple leaf; poppy flowers. Holographic stripe with Queen Elizabeth II and insignia. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A-D = BAI; prefix E-H = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Polymer.
2011 – 2013 Polymer Issues
In response to a dramatic increase in the rate of counterfeiting, in 2011 Canada began replacing paper-cotton banknotes with polymer notes which are reported to be more resistant to forgery and will last “two to three times longer,” saving money in the long term even though polymer notes are initially twice as expensive to produce as paper notes. Canada relies upon Australia’s Securency as the sole supplier for the polymer substrate. The unifying theme of these new notes is “frontiers.”
Description: 5.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm

Blue and green. Front: English and French text; maple leaf; 7th prime minister, Wilfrid Laurier wearing suit. Back: English and French text; stars, Canadarm2, Dextre, and astronaut above Canada on earth; maple leaf. Holographic stripe with Wilfrid Laurier and tower of West Block of Parliament in Ottawa. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A-D = BAI; prefix E-H = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Polymer.
Description: 10.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm

urple. Front: English and French text; maple leaf; 1st prime minister, John Alexander Macdonald wearing suit. Back: English and French text; Canadian Rocky Mountains (Lectern Peak and Aquila Mountain; Redan, Esplanade, and Gargoyle mountains; Mount Zengel, part of the Victoria Cross Ranges); map of passenger railways in Canada; The Canadian train; maple leaf. Holographic stripe with John Alexander Macdonald and Library of Parliament in Ottawa. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A-D = BAI; prefix E-H = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Polymer.
Description: 20.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm

Green. Front: English and French text; maple leaf; Queen Elizabeth II wearing dress with pearl necklace. Back: English and French text; poppy flowers; Canadian National Vimy Memorial in Vimy, France; Canadian flag; maple leaf; poppy flowers. Holographic stripe with Queen Elizabeth II and Peace Tower of Parliament in Ottawa. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A-D = BAI; prefix E-H = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Polymer.
Description: 50.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm

Red. Front: English and French text; maple leaf; 10th prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King wearing suit. Back: English and French text; Canadian Coast Guard Ship Amundsen, an Arctic research icebreaker; “Arctic” in Inuktitut; compass; map of Canada; maple leaf. Holographic stripe with William Lyon Mackenzie King and tower of Centre Block of Parliament in Ottawa. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A-D = BAI; prefix E-H = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Polymer.
Description: 100.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm

Brown. Front: English and French text; maple leaf; 8th prime minister, Robert Laird Borden wearing suit. Back: English and French text; electrocardiogram (EKG) reading; woman looking into microscope; bottle of insulin; DNA double helix; maple leaf. Holographic stripe with Robert Borden and tower of East Block of Parliament in Ottawa. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A-D = BAI; prefix E-H = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Polymer.
2003 – 2011 Canadian Journey Issues
The two lowest denominations are like the preceding issues, but with the removal of the iridescent maple leaves, and the addition of holographic stripes, portrait watermarks, color-shifting windowed security threads, and denomination numerals as registration devices, bringing their security features in line with the higher denominations which complete the Canadian Journey family. The 2-dollar note is not included in this series as it had been replaced by a coin.
Description: 5.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Blue, purple, yellow, orange, and green. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 7th prime minister, Wilfrid Laurier wearing suit; West Block of Parliament in Ottawa; Canadian flag. Back: English and French text; child riding toboggan; snowflakes; excerpt from Roch Carrier’s Le Chandail de hockey, and its English adaptation by Sheila Fischman, The Hockey Sweater; child and adult skating; four children playing hockey on frozen lake. Holographic stripe. Gold-to-green color-shifting windowed security thread with demetalized 5 CAN. Watermark: Wilfrid Laurier and electrotype 5. Printer: (BAI or CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 10.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Purple, green, yellow, red, and orange. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 1st prime minister, John Alexander Macdonald wearing suit; Parliament library in Ottawa; Canadian flag. Back: English and French text; poppy flowers; first verse of John McCrae’s poem, In Flanders Fields, and its French adaptation, Au champ d’honneur, by Jean Pariseau; two doves in flight; female peacekeeper looking through binoculars; members of the Land and Naval Forces standing vigil as two children and veteran observe a Remembrance Day service at memorial. Holographic stripe. Gold-to-green color-shifting windowed security thread with demetalized 10 CAN. Watermark: John Alexander Macdonald and electrotype 10. Printer: (BAI or CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 20.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Green, yellow, purple, and orange. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II wearing dress with pearl necklace; Center Block of Parliament in Ottawa; Canadian flag. Back: English and French text; The Raven and the First Men, The Spirit of Haida Gwaii, The Grizzly Bear, and Mythic Messengers, all artworks by Bill Reid; excerpt from Gabrielle Roy’s novel, The Hidden Mountain. Holographic stripe. Gold-to-green color-shifting windowed security thread with demetalized 20 CAN. Watermark: Queen Elizabeth II and electrotype 20. Printer: (BAI or CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
It celebrates Canadian arts and culture. It was honored as the IBNS Bank Note of the Year 2004.
Description: 50.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Red, brown, yellow, and orange. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 10th prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King wearing suit; the Peace Tower of Parliament in Ottawa; Canadian flag. Back: English and French text; journal with headline “Women are Persons;” quote from John Peters Humphrey’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights; balance scales; statue of The Famous 5 (Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Henrietta Muir Edwards, and Louise McKinney) on Parliament Hill, Ottawa; Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award. Holographic stripe. Gold-to-green color-shifting windowed security thread with demetalized 50 CAN. Watermark: William Lyon Mackenzie King and electrotype 50. Printer: (BAI or CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
It celebrates nation building, shaping the political, legal, and social structures for democracy and equality.
Description: 100.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Brown, green, and yellow. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 8th prime minister, Robert Laird Borden wearing suit; East Block of Parliament buildings in Ottawa; Canadian flag. Back: English and French text; excerpt from Miriam Waddington’s poem, Jacques Cartier in Toronto, and its French translation by Christine Klein-Lataud; Samuel de Champlain’s 1632 map of Canada; birchbark canoe; Radarsat-1 satellite; satellite image of Canada; telecommunications antenna. Holographic stripe. Gold-to-green color-shifting windowed security thread with demetalized 100 CAN. Watermark: Robert Laird Borden and electrotype 100. Printer: (BAI or CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
It celebrates Canadian exploration and innovation.
2000 – 2005 Canadian Journey Issues
These notes incorporate a number of new security features for Canada, including security threads, watermarks, Omron rings, and embossed braille in the upper right corner. The notes bear the year of issue on the front and the year of printing on the back.Prefixes starting with A or B are printed by BAI (formerly BABN). Prefixes starting with E, F, or H are printed by CBN. The exception to these rules is the original 10-dollar note (B365), for which the prefix/series BEH was printed by CBN.
Description: 5.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Blue, purple, yellow, orange, and green. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 7th prime minister, Wilfrid Laurier wearing suit; West Block of Parliament in Ottawa; iridescent maple leaves; Canadian flag. Back: English and French text; child riding toboggan; snowflakes; excerpt from Roch Carrier’s Le Chandail de hockey, and its English adaptation by Sheila Fischman, The Hockey Sweater; child and adult skating; four children playing hockey on frozen lake. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (BAI or CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
This note celebrates children at play.
Description: 10.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Purple, green, yellow, red, and orange. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 1st prime minister, John Alexander Macdonald wearing suit; Parliament library in Ottawa; iridescent maple leaves; Canadian flag. Back: English and French text; poppy flowers; first verse of John McCrae’s poem, In Flanders Fields, and its French adaptation, Au champ d’honneur, by Jean Pariseau; two doves in flight; female peacekeeper looking through binoculars; members of the Land and Naval Forces standing vigil as two children and veteran observe a Remembrance Day service at memorial. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (BAI or CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
This note is a tribute to remembrance and peacekeeping.
1986 – 1991 Birds of Canada Issues
This series was designed with enhanced security features to thwart developments in color-copier technology. Of particular note was the introduction of an optical security device (a square, metallic patch that shifts from gold to green when the note is tilted) on the denominations 10 dollars and above. Larger portraits made it easier to see the fine-line work in the face and hair. The vertical bars in the lower margin on back assist in machine readability of the notes. The 1-dollar note is not included in this series as it had been replaced by a coin in 1987. This is the last series to contain a 1,000-dollar note. As part of the fight against money laundering and organized crime, this denomination was withdrawn from circulation in 2000.The Bank of Canada issued replacement notes in this series identifiable with prefixes ending in X until 1990, after which they switched to inserting notes with serial numbers indistinguishable from regular notes.
Description: 2.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Brown, purple, and orange. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II wearing dress with pearl necklace; Parliament buildings in Ottawa. Back: English and French text; two birds (robin/Merle d’Amérique) in grassy field. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A, B, C = BABN; prefix E = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Between 1995 and 1998, the Bank of Canada issued 100,000 experimental $5 notes printed on a Luminus substrate consisting of a polymer core with paper on each side to assess their durability. The supplier could not produce the material on a sufficient scale, however, and the bank discontinued the project. These test notes bear the prefix GOG with serial numbers 0100000-0199999. An UNC test note sold for CAD$23,000 on 30 May 2013.
Description: 5.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Purple, blue, yellow, and green. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 7th prime minister, Wilfrid Laurier wearing suit; Parliament buildings in Ottawa. Back: English and French text; one bird (belted kingfisher/Martin-pêcheur) perched on branch overlooking marsh. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A = BABN; prefix E, F, G, H = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.

Description: 10.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Purple, green, yellow, and brown. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 1st prime minister, John Alexander Macdonald wearing suit; Parliament buildings in Ottawa. Back: English and French text; one bird (osprey/balbuzard) in flight over lake, clutching fish in talons. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (British American Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 20.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Green, yellow, and orange. Front: Square OSD; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II wearing dress with pearl necklace; Parliament library in Ottawa. Back: English and French text; two birds (common loon/huart à collier) swimming in lake. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A = BABN; prefix E = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 50.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Red and yellow. Front: Square OSD; coat of arms; 10th prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King wearing suit; Parliament buildings in Ottawa. Back: English and French text; one bird (snowy owl/harfang des neiges) perched on rock. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 100.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Brown and yellow. Front: Square OSD; coat of arms; 8th prime minister, Robert Laird Borden wearing suit; Center Block of Parliament buildings in Ottawa. Back: English and French text; one bird (canada goose/bernache du canada) in flight over lake, with flock in V formation above. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (British American Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 1,000.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
CAUTION!!! We do not buy these notes.

Purple, yellow, green, and red. Front: Square OSD; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II wearing dress with pearl necklace; Parliament library in Ottawa. Back: English and French text; two birds (pine grosbeak/gros-bec des pins) perched on snowy branch. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
1979 Issues
These notes are like the preceding issues, but with machine-readable serial numbers in the lower margin on back.
Description: 5.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Yellow, orange, blue, and green. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 7th prime minister, Wilfrid Laurier wearing suit. Back: English and French text; salmon fishing boats in Johnstone Strait, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 20.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Green, yellow, purple, orange, red, and blue. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II wearing evening dress, diamond necklace, and Queen Mary’s Cluster diamond earrings. Back: English and French text; Valley of the Ten Peaks and Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, Alberta. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (serial number begins 56 = BABN; serial number begins 50 or 52 = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
1969 – 1979 Scenes of Canada Issues
Often dubbed the “multicolored series,” these notes were released beginning in 1969 in response to growing concerns about counterfeiting. The main characteristic of the design was the use of multicolored tints beneath the dominant color. Known as “rainbow printing,” this process subtly merges two or more colors into each other, making them difficult to fake.Unlike the preceding issues, these notes do not bear the same date of issue for all denominations, but rather the year in which the printing plate was produced. Originally, all denominations were to depict Queen Elizabeth’s portrait, from a 1962 photograph by Anthony Buckley, engraved by George Gundersen of BABN. However, the minister of finance requested the inclusion of portraits of former Canadian prime ministers to enhance national identity.Initially the prefixes consisted of two letters, the first being the denomination indicator, and the second being the series letter. During the Lawson-Bouey (signature 7) period, the prefix changed to three letters, the first indicating the printer, the second indicating the denomination, and the last being the series.
Description: 1.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Green, yellow, red, blue, and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II wearing evening dress, diamond necklace, and Queen Mary’s Cluster diamond earrings. Back: English and French text; Parliament buildings and trees on banks of Ottawa River with boats and logs. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix A, B, G, L, M, N, O = BABN; prefix E, F, I, P = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 2.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Reddish-brown, yellow, red, blue, and purple. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II wearing evening dress, diamond necklace, and Queen Mary’s Cluster diamond earrings. Back: English and French text; six Inuits with kayaks, oars, and harpoons on Baffin Island, Nunavut. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (British American Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 5.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Yellow, orange, blue, and green. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 7th prime minister, Wilfrid Laurier wearing suit. Back: English and French text; salmon fishing boats in Johnstone Strait, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 10.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Purple, yellow, orange, pink, red, and blue. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 1st prime minister, John Alexander Macdonald wearing suit. Back: English and French text; oil refinery at Sarnia, Ontario. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 20.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Green, yellow, purple, orange, red, and blue. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II wearing evening dress, diamond necklace, and Queen Mary’s Cluster diamond earrings. Back: English and French text; Valley of the Ten Peaks and Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, Alberta. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 50.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Red, green, yellow, purple, orange, red, blue, and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 10th prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King wearing suit. Back: English and French text; Royal Canadian Mounted Police with flags in circular Dome formation from Musical Ride program. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (Canadian Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 100.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Brown, pink, orange, yellow, blue, red, and purple. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 8th prime minister, Robert Laird Borden wearing suit. Back: English and French text; ships and buildings in Lunenburg harbor, Nova Scotia. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (British American Bank Note Company). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
1967 Commemorative Issues
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation, a modified version of the 1954 1-dollar note was issued, bearing the date 1967. The centennial logo was added at left front and the back now depicts Canada’s original Parliament Buildings which were destroyed by fire on 3 February 1916. A second version of this commemorative note, featuring the dates 1867–1967 in place of the serial numbers, was also issued for circulation at face value.
Description: 1.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Green and black. Front: English and French text; centennial logo of stylized maple leaf; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; Canada’s first Parliament buildings in Ottawa. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (prefix denominator P or M = BABN; prefix denominator O = CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
1954 Modified Portrait Issues
These notes are like the preceding issues, but the engraving of the queen’s hair in the portrait has been modified. The 1- and 5-dollar denominations were printed by two different printers with different imprints.
Description: 1.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Green and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; clouds over Saskatchewan prairie fields, dirt road, and telephone poles. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 1.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Green and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; clouds over Saskatchewan prairie fields, dirt road, and telephone poles. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: BRITISH AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY LIMITED. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 2.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Reddish-brown and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; clouds over rural Richmond, Quebec hills, river, trees, homes and church. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: BRITISH AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY LIMITED. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 5.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Blue and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; trees and Otter Falls on the Aishihik River in Yukon Territory. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: BRITISH AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY LIMITED. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 5.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Blue and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; trees and Otter Falls on the Aishihik River at Mile 996 on the Alaska Highway in Yukon Territory. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 10.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Purple and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; trees, Emerald Lake, and Mount Burgess in Yoho National Park, British Columbia. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: BRITISH AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY LIMITED. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 20.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Olive green and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; clouds over snow-covered fir trees in Laurentians, Ontario. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 50.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Orange and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; clouds over rolling surf along rocky coastline in Lockeport, Nova Scotia. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 100.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
Information: Outmoded and redeemable note

Brown and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; hills, trees, and Okanagan Lake in British Columbia. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
Description: 1,000.00 CAD – Canadian Dollar Size: 152 x 70 mm
CAUTION!!! We do not buy these notes.

Pink and black. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; Queen Elizabeth II without “devil’s face” in hair. Back: English and French text; hills, trees, lake, fence, covered bridge, and houses in L’Anse-Saint-Jean on the Saguenay River, Quebec. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited. 152 x 70 mm. Paper.