DKK – Danish Krone
Monetary System
1 Danish krone (DKK) = 100 øre
Danish National Bank
Danmarks Nationalbank and Allierede Overkommando
The legal basis for the Danmarks Nationalbank (Danish: Banknote Printing Works, DN) was brought up to date and the Royal Charter of 1818 was replaced on 7 April 1936 by the Danmarks Nationalbank Act, whereby the bank was restructured from a limited liability company to an independent institution.For more information, visit
2020 – 2024 Issue
Danmarks Nationalbank closed its internal Banknote Printing Works at the end of 2016 and has since outsourced this function to an external supplier. These notes are like the preceding issues, but with new security threads, pearlescent stripes, and embossed geometric figures for sight-impaired users to distinguish between denominations. These new notes, called the 2009A series, are printed by Oberthur Fiduciairie in France. The new 500-krone note was the first issued in 2020, to be followed by the 100-krone note and other denominations starting in early 2024.
Each note has a 7-digit serial number and an alphanumeric suffix. The suffix letter starts at A, and the number starts at 1 and advances consecutively to 5 before advancing the letter. The suffix is repeated to the right of the caption at lower right front, and is followed by two digits that represent the last two digits of the year of printing.
Description: 100.00 DKK – Danish Krone Size: 135 x 72 mm

Orangey-yellow. Front: Danish text; Hindsgavl dagger holographic patch; Den Gamle LillebmItsbro (Old Little Belt Bridge) linking Erritso in Jutland to Middelfart on Funen. Back: Danish text; flint-knapped fish-tail design Stone Age dagger from Hindsgavl peninsula; trees and field; map. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 100. Printer: (Oberthur Fiduciairie). 135 x 72 mm. Paper.
Description: 200.00 DKK – Danish Krone Size: 145 x 72 mm

Green and purple. Front: Danish text; belt plate holographic patch; Knippelsbro (Knippels Bridge) linking Slotsholmen to Christianshavn in Copenhagen. Back: Danish text; Langstrup belt plate; lake with lily pads; map. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 200. Printer: (Oberthur Fiduciairie). 145 x 72 mm. Paper.
Description: 500.00 DKK – Danish Krone Size: 155 x 72 mm
Currently we don’t buy 1,000 and 500 Danish Krone notes

Blue and brown. Front: Danish text; bronze pail holographic patch; denomination as registration device; Dronning Alexandrines Bro (Queen Alexandrine Bridge) across Ulvsund, connecting Kalvehave on South Zealand with island of Møn. Back: Danish text; 4th-centrury bronze pail from Keldby on island of Møn; map. Solid security thread and red windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 500. Printer: (Oberthur Fiduciairie). 155 x 72 mm. Paper.
2009 – 2016 Issue
These notes were designed by the artist Karin Birgitte Lund and have Danish bridges and prehistoric finds as their motifs.
Description: 50.00 DKK – Danish Krone Size: 125 x 72mm

Purple. Front: Danish text; Skarpsalling vessel holographic patch; clouds and Sallingsundbroen (Sallingsund Bridge) linking the peninsula of Salling to the Liim Fiord island of Mors. Back: Danish text; Skarpsalling vessel in a field; map of Sallingsund and Skarp Salling in northern Denmark. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 50. Printer: (Banknote Printing Works). 125 x 72 mm. Paper.
Description: 100.00 DKK – Danish Krone Size: 135 x 72 mm

Orangey-yellow. Front: Danish text; Hindsgavl dagger holographic patch; Den Gamle Lillebæltsbro (Old Little Belt Bridge) linking Erritsø in Jutland to Middelfart on Funen. Back: Danish text; flint-knapped fish-tail design Stone Age dagger from Hindsgavl peninsula; trees and field; map. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 100. Printer: (Banknote Printing Works). 135 x 72 mm. Paper.
Description: 200.00 DKK – Danish Krone Size: 145 x 72 mm

Green and purple. Front: Danish text; belt plate holographic patch; Knippelsbro (Knippels Bridge) linking Slotsholmen to Christianshavn in Copenhagen. Back: Danish text; Langstrup belt plate; lake with lily pads; map. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 200. Printer: (Banknote Printing Works). 145 x 72 mm. Paper.
Description: 500.00 DKK – Danish Krone Size: 155 x 72 mm
Currently we don’t buy 1,000 and 500 Danish Krone notes

Blue and brown. Front: Danish text; bronze pail holographic patch; Dronning Alexandrines Bro (Queen Alexandrine Bridge) across Ulvsund, connecting Kalvehave on South Zealand with island of Møn. Back: Danish text; 4th-centrury bronze pail from Keldby on island of Møn; map. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 500. Printer: (Banknote Printing Works). 155 x 72 mm. Paper.
Description: 1,000.00 DKK – Danish Krone Size: 165 x 72 mm
Currently we don’t buy 1,000 and 500 Danish Krone notes

Red and green. Front: Danish text; sun chariot holographic patch; Storebæltsbroen (Great Belt Bridge) connecting Sprogø to Zealand. Back: Danish text; sun chariot; map. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 1000. Printer: (Banknote Printing Works). 165 x 72 mm. Paper.