IDR – Indonesian Rupiah
Monetary System
03.10.1946: 1 Indonesian rupiah (IDR) = 100 sen
2022 – 2023 Commemorative Issues
These notes commemorate the 77th anniversary of independence. They are like the preceding issues, but with sharper colors, increased security features, greater durability, and reduced sizes.
Description: 1,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 121 x 65 mm

Green, orange, purple, and red. Front: Indonesian text; orchid flower; anti-colonialist, Tjut Meutia; map of Indonesia; coat of arms; bank logo as registration device. Back: Indonesian text; bank logo; Fort Belgica in Banda Neira, Banda Islands (Spice Islands), Maluku province; orchid flower; Tari Tifa (dancer with drum). Solid security thread with printed BANK INDONESIA. Watermark: Tjut Meutia. Printer: PERURI TC. 121 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 2,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 126 x 65 mm

Gray and orange. Front: Indonesian text; champak flower; politician, Mohammad Husni Thamrin; map of Indonesia; coat of arms; bank logo as registration device. Back: Indonesian text; bank logo; Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Canyon) landscape near Bukittinggi, West Sumatra; champak (Magnolia champaca) flower; Tari Piring (dancer with plates). Solid security thread with printed BI 2,000. Watermark: Prince Antasari. Printer: PERURI TC. 126 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 5,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 131 x 65 mm

Tan, brown, green, and purple. Front: Indonesian text; tuberose flower; politician, Dr. K. H. Idham Chalid; map of Indonesia; coat of arms; bank logo as registration device. Back: Indonesian text; bank logo; Gunung Bromo (Mount Bromo) volcano in East Java; tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) flower; Tari Gambyong (dancer with scarves). Solid security thread with printed BANK INDONESIA. Watermark: Tjut Meutia. Printer: PERURI TC. 131 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 10,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 136 x 65 mm

Purple, blue, and orange. Front: Indonesian text; Magnolia vrieseana flower; 4th governor of Papua Province, Frans Kaisiepo; map of Indoensia; coat of arms; bank logo as registration device. Back: Indonesian text; bank logo; Taman Nasional Wakatobi; Magnolia vrieseana flower; Tari Pakarena (dancer with fan). Solid security thread with printed BI 10,000. Watermark: Mahmud Badaruddin II and electrotype logo. Printer: PERURI TC. 136 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 20,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 141 x 65 mm

Green, blue, brown, and purple. Front: Indonesian text; black orchid flower; 1st governor of Sulawesi, Dr. Gerungan Saul Samuel Jacob Ratulangi; map of Indoensia; coat of arms; bank logo as registration device. Back: Indonesian text; bank logo; sea turtle swimming near Derawan Islands in East Kalimantan; black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata) flower; Tari Gong (dancer with feathers). Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 20,000. Watermark: Oto Iskandar di Nata and electrotype logo. Printer: PERURI TC. 141 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 50,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 146 x 65 mm

Blue, green, and orange. Front: Indonesian text; Jepun flower; 10th prime minister, Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja; map of Indoensia; coat of arms; bank logo as registration device. Back: Indonesian text; bank logo; Taman Nasional Komodo (Komodo National Park) in Lesser Sunda Islands; Jepun (frangipani) flower; Tari Legong (dancer with fan). Windowed security thread with printed BI 50,000. Watermark: I Gusti Ngurah Rai and electrotype logo. Printer: PERURI TC. 146 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 100,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 151 x 65 mm

Red, pink, green, and yellow. Front: Indonesian text; moth orchid flower; 1st president, Sukarno; map of Indoensia; 1st vice-president, Mohammad Hatta; coat of arms; bank logo as registration device. Back: Indonesian text; bank logo; Raja Ampat Islands; moth orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis) flower; Tari Topeng Betawi (dancer with mask). Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 100,000. Watermark: Wage Rudolf Soepratman and electrotype logo. Printer: PERURI TC. 151 x 65 mm. Paper.
2016 – 2021 Issues
Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 31 of 5 September 2016, Bank Indonesia introduced seven new banknotes, the fronts of which feature national heroes, the highest-level title awarded posthumously by the Government of Indonesia for actions which are deemed to be heroic, defined as “actual deeds which can be remembered and exemplified for all time by other citizens” or “extraordinary service furthering the interests of the state and people.” The backs of the notes depict diverse natural landscapes, flowers, and dancers of Indonesia. The bank also issued four coins in denominations of 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 rupiah. The introductions on 19 December 2016 coincide with the commemoration of State Defense Day.
On these notes, the year of printing appears at lower left back in faint lettering that is easily overlooked, with the series year at upper right front, below the coat of arms. In the listings which follow, the first date is the series year, followed by print year.In January 2017, Governor Agus D.W. Martowadojo assured the public that the image at left front of all notes is the bank logo depicted as a perfect registration device, not a Soviet hammer and sickle as rumored.
Description: 1,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 141 x 66 mm

Green, orange, purple, and red. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; anti-colonialist, Tjut Meutia; map of Indonesia; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Fort Belgica in Banda Neira, Banda Islands (Spice Islands), Maluku province; orchid flower; Tari Tifa (dancer with drum); bank logo. Solid security thread with printed BANK INDONESIA. Watermark: Tjut Meutia. Printer: PERURI TC. 141 x 66 mm. Paper.
Description: 2,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 142 x 66 mm

Gray and orange. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; politician, Mohammad Husni Thamrin; map of Indonesia; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Canyon) landscape near Bukittinggi, West Sumatra; champak (Magnolia champaca) flower; Tari Piring (dancer with plates); bank logo. Solid security thread with printed BI 2000. Watermark: Prince Antasari. Printer: PERURI TC. 142 x 66 mm. Paper.
Description: 5,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 143 x 66 mm

Tan, brown, green, and purple. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; politician, Dr. K. H. Idham Chalid; map of Indonesia; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Gunung Bromo (Mount Bromo) volcano in East Java; tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) flower; Tari Gambyong (dancer with scarves); bank logo. Solid security thread with printed BANK INDONESIA. Watermark: Tjut Meutia. Printer: PERURI TC. 143 x 66 mm. Paper.
Description: 10,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 145 x 66 mm

Purple, blue, and orange. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; 4th governor of Papua Province, Frans Kaisiepo; map of Indoensia; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Taman Nasional Wakatobi; Magnolia vrieseana flower; Tari Pakarena (dancer with fan); bank logo. Solid security thread with printed BI 10000. Watermark: Mahmud Badaruddin II and electrotype logo. Printer: PERURI TC. 145 x 66 mm. Paper.
Description: 20,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 147 x 66 mm

Green, blue, brown, and purple. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; 1st governor of Sulawesi, Dr. Gerungan Saul Samuel Jacob Ratulangi; map of Indoensia; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; sea turtle swimming near Derawan Islands in East Kalimantan; black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata) flower; Tari Gong (dancer with feathers); bank logo. Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 20000. Watermark: Oto Iskandar di Nata and electrotype logo. Printer: PERURI TC. 147 x 66 mm. Paper.
Description: 50,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 149 x 66 mm

Blue, green, and orange. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; 10th prime minister, Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja; map of Indoensia; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Taman Nasional Komodo (Komodo National Park) in Lesser Sunda Islands; Jepun (frangipani) flower; Tari Legong (dancer with fan); bank logo. Windowed security thread with printed BI 50000. Watermark: I Gusti Ngurah Rai and electrotype logo. Printer: PERURI TC. 149 x 66 mm. Paper.
Description: 100,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 151 x 66 mm

Red, pink, green, and yellow. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; 1st president, Sukarno; map of Indoensia; 1st vice-president, Mohammad Hatta; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Raja Ampat Islands; moth orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis) flower; Tari Topeng Betawi (dancer with mask); bank logo. Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 100000. Watermark: Wage Rudolf Soepratman and electrotype logo. Printer: PERURI TC. 151 x 66 mm. Paper.
2020 Commemorative Issues
This 75,000-rupiah note commemorates the 75th anniversary of independence.
Description: 75,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 152 x 65 mm

Red, yellow, green, and blue. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; bank logo in SPARK; raising of flag; 1st president, Sukarno; 1st vice-president, Mohammad Hatta; commuter train; Youtefa (previously Holtekamp) bridge in Jayapura, Papua Province; freeway interchange; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; children wearing native costumes; map of Indonesia; satellite; bank logo. Windowed security thread with demetalized BI and 75. Watermark: Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, and electrotype 75. Printer: PERURI TC. 152 x 65 mm. Paper.
2010 – 2016 Issues
The 10,000-rupiah note is like the preceding issue, but the color has changed from reddish purple to a bluish purple, and several security features have been added, including a rainbow-printed pentagon (this technique results in a natural blending of colors that is difficult to reproduce) to the right of the portrait, Omron rings, and an intaglio circle below the registration device on front. The old OVI octagon at lower right front has been replaced by the bank’s initials framed by an ornament from the Palembang region.
The 20,000-, 50,000-, and 100,000-rupiah notes were issued on 1 August 2011 in commemoration of Youth Pledge Day, although they bear no commemorative text or images. The new notes have enhanced security features, including rainbow printing and Omron rings. The notes also have new codes for the sight impaired.
On these notes, the year of printing appears above the signatures, with the series year at lower right front or lower right back. In the listings which follow, the first date is the year of printing above the words DEWAN GUBERNUR on front.
In 2015, the Korea Minting and Security Printing Corporation (KOMSCO) began seeking customers outside of Korea to offset declines in production brought about by the introduction of a 50,000-won note (B253) in 2009 and the public’s increased use of credit cards. “KOMSCO signed a deal with the Indonesian government in February to supply 8 million ‘security papers’ with enhanced security functions for 880 million won over the next three years,” said CEO Kim Hwa-dong. KOMSCO has produced notes for Indonesia in the past several years, but which notes it has printed is unknown. Curiously, all current notes in Indonesia (B604 – B608) bear the imprint PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP and make no mention of KOMSCO.
Varieties have been observed in the portrait watermarks for 5,000- and 100,000-rupiah notes dated 2014 – 2016. Other denominations and dates may be affected also; additional information is requested.
Description: 10,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 145 x 65 mm

Bluish purple. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Rumah Limas (traditional houses on stilts) in Palembang. Solid security thread with printed BI 10,000. Watermark: Mahmud Badaruddin II and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 145 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 20,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 149 x 65 mm

Green and blue. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; Oto Iskandar di Nata; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Pemetik Teh (tea pickers); two women with large hats and baskets on their backs picking tea leaves in field. Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 20000. Watermark: Oto Iskandar di Nata and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 149 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 50,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 149 x 65 mm

Blue and purple. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; I Gusti Ngurah Rai; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Danau Beratan (Lake Bratan in Bedugul, Bali); Pura Ulun Danu Bratan water temple; man in canoe. Windowed security thread with printed BI 50000. Watermark: I Gusti Ngurah Rai and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 149 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 100,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 151 x 65 mm

Red, pink, and yellow. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; house; 1st president, Sukarno; proclamation of independence; 1st vice-president, Mohammad Hatta; flower; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Nusantara, People’s Consultative Assembly building in Jakarta (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat & Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat); map of Indonesia. Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 100000. Watermark: Wage Rudolf Soepratman and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 151 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 100,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 151 x 65 mm

Red, pink, and yellow. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; house; 1st president, Sukarno; proclamation of independence; 1st vice-president, Mohammad Hatta; flower; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Nusantara, People’s Consultative Assembly building in Jakarta (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat & Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat); map of Indonesia. Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 100000. Watermark: Wage Rudolf Soepratman and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 151 x 65 mm. Paper.
Like previous issue, but with NEGARA KESATUAN / REPUBLIK INDONESIA at lower left front instead of BANK INDONESIA.
2000 – 2016 Issues
The 100- and 500-rupiah notes were discontinued due to the dramatic devaluation of the currency. On these notes, the series year originally appeared above the signatures, with the year of printing at lower right front or lower right back. In 2009, these years swapped positions (the 100,000-rupiah note is the only denomination confirmed with varieties dated 2009 in both positions). In the listings which follow, the first date is the one above the words DEWAN GUBERNUR on front.
Description: 1,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 141 x 65 mm

Green, orange, and purple. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; Kapitan Pattimura (Thomas Matulessy) with machete; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Pulau Maitara Dan Tidore (Maitara and Tidore islands); two men in boat on lake; mountains; clouds. Solid security thread with printed BANK INDONESIA. Watermark: Tjut Meutia. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 141 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 2,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 141 x 65 mm

Gray. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; Prince Antasari; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; traditional Dayak dance. Solid security thread with printed BI 2,000. Watermark: Prince Antasari. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 141 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 5,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 143 x 65 mm

Tan, green, and brown. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; Tuanku Imam Bondjol; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Pengrajin Tenun; Pandai Sikek – Sumatera Barat (Craftsmen weaving; Sikek Beach, West Sumatra); woman in native costume using hand loom. Solid security thread with printed BANK INDONESIA.Watermark: Tjut Meutia. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 143 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 10,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 145 x 65 mm

Reddish purple and orange. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Rumah Limas (traditional houses on stilts) in Palembang. Solid security thread with printed BI 10,000. Watermark: Mahmud Badaruddin II and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 145 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 20,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 149 x 65 mm

Green and blue. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; Oto Iskandar di Nata; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Pemetik Teh (tea pickers); two women with large hats and baskets on their backs picking tea leaves in field. Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 20,000. Watermark: Oto Iskandar di Nata and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 149 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 50,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 149 x 65 mm

Blue and purple. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; I Gusti Ngurah Rai; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Danau Beratan (Lake Bratan in Bedugul, Bali); Pura Ulun Danu Bratan water temple; man in canoe. Windowed security thread with printed BI 50,000. Watermark: I Gusti Ngurah Rai and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 149 x 65 mm. Paper.
Description: 100,000 IDR – Indonesian Rupiah Size: 151 x 65 mm

Red, pink, and yellow. Front: Indonesian text; bank logo as registration device; house; 1st president, Sukarno; proclamation of independence; 1st vice-president, Mohammad Hatta; flower; coat of arms. Back: Indonesian text; Nusantara, People’s Consultative Assembly building in Jakarta (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat & Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat); map of Indonesia. Windowed security thread with demetalized BI 100,000. Watermark: Wage Rudolf Soepratman and electrotype logo. Printer: PERUM PERCETAKAN UANG RI IMP. 151 x 65 mm. Paper.
On 6 October 2010, the bank issued a press release dispelling the rumor that this note contained an error in the year of the proclamation text which appears in small print between the two portraits on front.
Bank Indonesia operates a museum in West Jakarta which is open to the public every day except Monday. For more information, visit