TRY – Turkish Lira
Monetary System
1923: 1 Turkish lira (TRL) = 100 kurus
01.01.2005: 1 new Turkish lira (TRY) = 100 kurus
01.01.2009: 1 Turkish lira = 100 kurus
2013 Issues
This 5-lira note is purple, not tan, to help distinguish it from the brown 50-lira note.
Description: 5 TRY – Turkish Lira Size: 130 x 64 mm

Purple. Front: Turkish text; star; Mustafa Kemal Ataturk; star and crescent. Back: Turkish text; open hands; planets; atom; double helix DNA chain; science historian Aydin Sayili. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with demetalized TL 5. Watermark: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and electrotype 5. Printer: TORKIYE CUMHURIYET MERKEZ BANKASI BANKNOT MATBAASI. 130 x 64 mm. Paper.
2009 – 2021 Issues
On 1 January 2009, Turkey reverted the name of the currency to the Turkish lira, necessitating the issuance of new banknotes and coins without the yeni (new) adjective. A 200-lira denomination was introduced for the first time.
Description: 5 TRY – Turkish Lira Size: 130 x 64 mm

Tan. Front: Turkish text; star; Mustafa Kemal Ataturk; star and crescent. Back: Turkish text; open hands; planets; atom; double helix DNA chain; science historian Aydin Sayili. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with printed TL 5. Watermark: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and electrotype 5. Printer: TORK1YE CUMHURIYET MERKEZ BANKASI BANKNOT MATBAASI. 130 x 64 mm. Paper.
According to Nobel Prize in Chemistry laureate Aziz Sancar, the DNA helix on the back of this note mistakenly winds from left to right.
Description: 10 TRY – Turkish Lira Size: 136 x 64 mm

Violet. Front: Turkish text; star; Mustafa Kemal Ataturk; star and crescent. Back: Turkish text; “Arf Invariant” math equation; mathematician Cahit Arf. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with printed TL 10. Watermark: Mustafa Kemal Atatirk and electrotype 10. Printer: TORK1YE CUMHURiYET MERKEZ BANKASI BANKNOT MATBAASI. 136 x 64 mm. Paper.
Description: 20 TRY – Turkish Lira Size: 142 x 68 mm

Green. Front: Turkish text; Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Back: Turkish text; viaduct; line drawing of Gazi University Presidential Building; architect Mimar Kemaleddin. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with printed TL 20. Watermark: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and electrotype 20. Printer: TORK1YE CUMHURIYET MERKEZ BANKASI BANKNOT MATBAASI. 142 x 68 mm. Paper.
Description: 50 TRY – Turkish Lira Size: 148 x 68 mm

Tan. Front: Turkish text; star; Mustafa Kemal Atatiirk; star and crescent. Back: Turkish text; flowers; books; quill in inkwell; novelist Fatma Aliye. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with printed TL 50. Watermark: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and electrotype 50. Printer: TORK1YE CUMHURiYET MERKEZ BANKASI BANKNOT MATBAASI. 148 x 68 mm. Paper.
Description: 100 TRY – Turkish Lira Size: 154 x 72 mm

Blue. Front: Turkish text; star; Mustafa Kemal Ataturk; star and crescent. Back: Turkish text; musical instruments (lute and kudum drums); composer Itri (Buhurizade Mustafa Efendi). Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with printed TL 100. Watermark: Mustafa Kemal Atatiirk and electrotype 100. Printer: TORK1YE CUMHURIYET MERKEZ BANKASI BANKNOT MATBAASI. 154 x 72 mm. Paper.
Description: 200 TRY – Turkish Lira Size: 160 x 72 mm

Purple. Front: Turkish text; star; Mustafa Kemal Ataturk; star and crescent. Back: Turkish text; doves; Emre’s tomb; roses; Sevelim Sevilelim (Love and Be Loved); poet Yunus Emre. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with printed TL 200. Watermark: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and electrotype 200. Printer: TORK1YE CUMHURIYET MERKEZ BANKASI BANKNOT MATBAASI. 160 x 72 mm. Paper.
Central Bank of Turkey
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